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Humans of ShelterBox: In memory of Gordon Campbell Cargeeg
It’s with great sadness that ShelterBox shares the passing of Gordon Campbell Cargeeg — a dedicated Rotarian and long-standing ShelterBox Ambassador and supporter for nearly two decades. In this post we would like to honour his lifelong contributions to humanity and his dedicated support that has ensured safety to hundreds of families following disaster and conflict around the world.
Gordon was a familiar face in the WA Rotary community and a member of two Rotary clubs during his time — first The Rotary Club of Claremont/Cottesloe and secondly The Rotary Club of Melville, where he remained a member for 54 years. He was an icon in the Rotary movement travelling on overseas aid programs to India (a number of times) and Africa and being actively involved in the Polio Program in an effort to eradicate an insidious disease.
Gordon was first introduced to ShelterBox in 2004 through Rotary, and since then played a pivotal role in raising awareness of ShelterBox’s work around the world in the Western Australia community.
In 2014, Gordon (then in his nineties) was awarded a Certificate of Gratitude, in recognition of his outstanding voluntary work and valued contributions to ShelterBox and international disaster relief.

District 9455 ShelterBox Representative, David Brockway, who presented Gordon the award said:
“Gordon’s magnificent efforts to promote ShelterBox have resulted in many hundreds of ShelterBoxes to be funded and subsequently deployed to many areas of need around the world.”
Those who knew Gordon also knew that ShelterBox was a passion close to his heart.
Gordon was the first person in WA to arrange a fully-stocked ShelterBox to be sent to state, which he would then showcase at all Rotary conferences, fetes and at the Royal Show. He was known for perfectly presenting the aid items inside the box, including the iconic ShelterBox tent, so that passers-by could see the aid items in action, learn more and feel inclined to donate. Gordon continued with this voluntary community work right into his eighties!
“Gordon leaves a legacy of fantastic support from the two Western Australian Rotary Districts and the generous people of WA. We are forever thankful for introducing ShelterBox to the state”, said ShelterBox Australia CEO, Mike Greenslade.